Lawyer specializing in personal injury compensation

Since 2012, Coralie FOURNIER is officially a lawyer.

She works exclusively for the victims of injuries (car accident, medical accident, assault, domestic accident, sport accident). Her work is to help the victims to get justice and to get the best compensation for all the injuries and all the consequences of the accident/assault (work, hobbies, fees…).

She knows perfectly the procedure and how to help her client during all the steps (discussion with the insurance, medical appointment, compensation, hearing).

She will be able to make the procedure easier for the english speaking people, as she is able to talk and write in english.


  • Car, bike, moto accident
  • Pedestrian accident
  • Medical accident
  • Assault accident
  • Sport accident
  • Assault accident


Tram B – Gambetta- Musée des arts Décoratifs et du Design